This is my story & it is only valuable if it is shared. First let me say that I am a sinner, not a saint. I grew up in the late 70's & early 80's in California & was raised by a hedonistic mother whose mantra was "if it feels good do it." Nothing was taboo, so I was free to be me. Imagine what types of things I did in all of my immaturity & without a plumb-line, And so I did. While I learned & experienced many things good & bad, most did not serve me. Suffice it to say, I have made amends to those I hurt, forgiven those who have hurt me and give all of the glory to Christ. After decades of trying whatever new mantra that came into vogue & even putting into practice many ancient philosophies I was feeling emptier than when I started. If you were to ask me what religion I was I would say, 'God is good, Religion is Bad,' the first time I said this I felt totally liberated and free. What I am is a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ and that is my truth. Before I found my faith in Christ I would often say 'I wish there was a book with all of the answers.' The Holy Bible never came to mind as I was told all of my life when anything bad happened that "God was punishing me." As a child I had no idea why I was being punished by God but I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that his teachings held no allure for me for many years. The Bible was only used to store personal thoughts about what I thought about God & how my life was in shambles. I was being punished by this bearded man of my imagination somewhere in the infinite universe and not because of my choices, until I finally went to the book that holds all of the Rules & Guidelines one needs to follow to have the best possible life.
“The Bible is not only many books. It is literature, History, poetry, prophesy, philosophy, theology, oratory, humor, sarcasm, irony, music, drama, tragedy, strategy, love tales, war tales, travelogues, laws, jurisprudence, songs, sermons, warnings, prayers, all are here. Was there ever such literature? The Bible begins with a garden and ends with a city. It starts with a morning followed by a night and ends with a day that shall know no night. It breaks the silence with “In the beginning” and it hushes the universe to sleep with “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all”. John Snider
A few years ago I broke my leg in a horse riding accident & while I was recuperating my body, God was renewing my mind. During the next forty days and forty nights in the wilderness I knew that I was never alone and God was right there with me through all of my trials and tribulations and loved me anyway. I studied the works and words of God & took what God was imparting to me and put them into practical application, because first and foremost I am a practical girl. The following are 3 e-books that I have written, covering several different topics.
The first book is about the economy in this day & age and how we have become slaves to global bankers
GOD'S SOLUTION TO THE FISCAL CLIFF & HOW A BIBLICAL JUBILEE CAN FIX OUR ECONOMIC WOES this book asks how God's simple principles of debt forgiveness can affect the change so many people need in the world? While we can lament about the "haves and have not's" perhaps we could put the principle of a "Jubliee" into practical application and find peace.
The second book is DOUBLE STANDARDS & THE COMMERCIALIZATION OF CHRIST is directed to how we have taken everything holy & made it into a commercial enterprise. We can celebrate holidays, but make no mention in the public arena as to what we are celebrating. We wonder why after all of the preparation for these so called "holidays" we are left feeling more depleted than renewed, but most importantly what message are we giving to our children & the world?
The third book is 33,000 SHADES OF CHRISTIANITY and covers many different religious denominations in the country & the world. We have to wonder why we are seeing so many people walking away from their protestant religions, while other faiths around the world are making such headway into the consciousness of so many. Are we walking away from God or from man-made religious dogma that is not a part of what God has divulged in His Holy Bible? God has provided us will everything we need to live our best lives. With over 33,000+ different Christian denominations in society, is it any wonder we no longer have faith in anyone or anything today?
Recently I heard someone say something along the lines of this, without human beings, all human beings, God would not be relevant. Think about that for a second. If we were all gone from the planet there would be nothing left but a big black hole. Why is there be a planet called earth? Without human beings what purpose would it serve? We must continue to grow in our faith in the Divine Engineer and the divine wisdom that has stood the test of time, not the imaginings of man. The only way to understand the nature of God is to seek him on our own. Religion is not going to save us.
I have never met a book that I did not learn something from.
We have to keep our minds and hearts open to the possibilities
and books are there to help us along the way.
While my own titles might not interest you, there is a book out there that
I know can inspire each and everyone of us to be better people.
We have to keep our minds and hearts open to the possibilities
and books are there to help us along the way.
While my own titles might not interest you, there is a book out there that
I know can inspire each and everyone of us to be better people.